Getting all the nerdy equipmets at Seg Communication Market in Huaqiangbei - Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen is not for the weak in the summer. With the humidity, it feels close to 40C each day. However, as regulated by the governments, malls are keep their air conditioning at 26C and very often, the doors to the malls stay wide open. Making inside of the malls hot and humid as well. Absolutely ridiculous to keep the doors open. No idea how it contributes to sustainability.
Anyways, was bored and decided to head to Shenzhen for the day. Saw some posts on this Japanese fusion restaurant with some pretty questionable dishes, so decided to try it out at 一楽の食堂(卓悦中心东区店) (Shop 20). It is a small restaurant but constantly fully packed from the minute it opens. So, better to queue for a table online 30 minutes before arriving.
Their drinks are are normal. The mainland style lemon tea, which feels like I drink air freshener. The green tea latte with cheese is actually pretty good. But I felt like I am pouring a thousand calories into my body with just that little cup.
Started off with their "giant tamago" sushi. If I remember correctly, I think it was 38CNY. To be honest, it doesn't taste that good. The tamago is not freshly made. Not much egg flavor. It's just for the picture. Even so, it's really no that big.
Then a curry rice. Again, very simple dish, but the presentation is cute.
Ordered a matcha curry udon. A very questionable combination. A little scary to look at, but taste very normal. Couldn't taste the matcha, just taste like normal curry. Pretty salty though.
Lastly, a beef and foie gras taco. Didn't really like it.
Great service. Weird looking food. Fun experience. Portion wasn't very big at all. It was about 230 CNY for two. Not bad?
Took the subway to Huaqianbei Station where people get their electronic goods. Went for the Seg Communication Market. There are 2 Seg Communication Markets across the corner from each other.
Went to the Baohua location first (Shop 26). Big and air conditioned~ Lots of men trying to get games / electronic goods. There was a line up to play the boxing fitness gadget.
Lots of shops selling drones of all size and prices.
Instant printerable black and white cameras.
Then went to Kangle Building (Shop 25) mainly for the gaming shops.
Such a tiny shop but packed with middle age men trying to get their hands on the gaming system with nostalgic games.
Transferring through Gangxiabei Station is scary. Too many people.
Ended the day at Houhai Station to eat at a so call stone grill restaurant call Yuniuji 御牛纪.岩烤牛排 that is around the Coastal City 海岸城购物中心 (Shop 27) area . It's really just a normal restaurant with comfy seating serving cheap steaks on hot stones. Don't expect anything for the quality of meat. It's like any Chinese steak house where the meat is treated to make it soft and lose all beef flavor. Then they top it off with some sort of sauce. Hey, at least there is air conditioning for the hot summer.
The restaurant was fully packed with a long line outside about 3 months ago when I passed by. Now, the entire area is dead. Lost of shops closed down and the restaurants that managed to stay in business isn't even half full on a Saturday night dinner time.
Around 250CNY for all the food in a comfortable area with air conditioning. So, can't ask for too much on the quality of meat?
Shenzhen Bay border isn't getting so crowded these days. Giving me hesitating for crossing the border in the future.
Places on map:
Shop 20 - 深圳One Avenue·卓悦中心
Shop 25 - SEGCOM 赛格康乐大厦
Shop 26 - Huaqiang Electronic World 赛格通信市场(宝华店)
Shop 27 - Coastal City 海岸城购物中心
Getting all the nerdy equipmets at Seg Communication Market in Huaqiangbei - Shenzhen, China
Reviewed by chichicho
July 14, 2024

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