• Mar 13, 2025

Paper container to storage box

Since I have started working, I can't help to notice all the perfectly good items in the office that can be so easily transformed into good useful things.
Not only does this save money, it helps reduces garbage and save the environment. More importantly it is fun and fulfilling.

This is a tutorial on how you can transform all those old paper boxes that the stacks of paper for the printer comes in (I wish there was a name for it, I tried googling it, and I had no luck)

What you will need:

  • Old paper box
  • washi / decorative tape
  • scissors

Step by step:
1) Gather all your materials, I hate searching for things when I am half way through.

2) Lay your tape on the box to measure out how many rows of tape you will need to cover the whole box. Believe me when I say this, it is a lot easier than finding yourself stuck at the end with only a tiny row that is left bare and then trying to adjust the tape to not make the design look awkward.

3) Now start taping away. I always start at the very edge at the bottom, this avoids folding down edges. After the first row, just wrap another one on top of it.

4) Here is the finished bottom, you can try to adjust the spacing of the rows to make it look neat.
I overlapped each row by around 0.5CM.

5) Now to start on the lid. Starting at the edge again having half of the tape fall off the side.

6) A closer look at how the corner is done; I folded down the sides first creating this corner and used a pair of scissors to cut a slit right to the lid and fold down.

I know this is confusing, I regret not taking more photos >  <

7) Tape the whole lid with a little bit of the running onto the side.

8) When you get to the last row, let half of the washi tape fall off the rim of the lid. Then make a slit at the corners and fold down the sides.

9) Now you are all done, admire your great work.

Don't you just love how neat this looks? I am a very messy person and staying organized is pretty hard for me, but this was nice. Now everything is in boxes and I don't see as much clutter.

By Cho

Paper container to storage box Paper container to storage box Reviewed by chichicho on July 25, 2012 Rating: 5


  1. hey. it was very nice to read such an interesting blog post. do keep up posting more updates.

    Industrial Containers

  2. Very artistic and creative!

    Reusing used boxes to make it more fabulous and reusable is really a big THUMBS UP! It would also be a nice thing to be used as a gift container during birthdays and Christmas.hehe! That would be fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Storage Boxes


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