Great Barrier Reef Holiday Nails

Chi and I (Cho) is now well and back from our lovely Chinese New Year Holidays travelling through Australia. We went to a couple different islands and had load of fun. I always say to myself that I should really start editing and posting all the things I do when I travel, but I must say that it really is quite a bit of work to organize, but fingers crossed that I would get around to doing this.

Anyways back on track, these were the nails I was sporting on my trip. This is the first time I have tried using nail wraps (thumb and 4th finger). I know some of you maybe thinking you have seen similar things on my blog before, but what I have always used in the past is water decals and metallic foils. I have included pictures of the materials I used at the bottom of the post. It seems to make it easier than listing it out in words, maybe it is because I am more of a visual person hehehe... cheers.

by cho

Great Barrier Reef Holiday Nails Great Barrier Reef Holiday Nails Reviewed by chichicho on February 25, 2013 Rating: 5

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