Love is in the air nails

This post is long overdue as it has been sitting in drafts since February since I wanted to make this part of the Valentine's day posts. Clearly I have failed. I have failed because I don't like editing videos, it just takes me so so long, I guess I am just not that good with computers. Practice makes perfect so I really should just do this more often. More importantly I have now lost the video because it has been so long ago > <........ I shall edit it when I find it someday hehehe.

The nails are simple. Just a simple blue / turquoise background with white clouds, then stuck heart shaped glitter / sequins on it. Simple enough. My thumb was done with a punched out patch of red fuzzy finish heart shape home made decal. 

Love is in the air nails Love is in the air nails Reviewed by chichicho on May 08, 2013 Rating: 5


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