Spring Time Marble Nails
I have always wanted to marble my nails, but I just couldn't bare the though of the cleanup afterwards. However Chi recently bought the Simply Peel a liquid latex solution to protect the skin around the nails and just peel off after I was done. It was great! Worked like a charm. I would seriously consider doing this more often.
The colors used from Left to Right: Essie #752 Lion Around, Liole #30, Revlon Top Speed #320 Jaded, Ciate #063 Power Dressing, Ciate Caviar Beads - Prom Queen, My DIY mixed polish (golden yellow)
First, unlike regular water marbling, I just randomly drop dots into the water. The swirl a toothpick around until it looks something like the picture below.
First attempt with my first 2 nails. I have learned that you really need an opaque polish to do a good job, so I had a hard time in getting Jaded to show because it would always thin out.
I added some jewels and beads at the end to just give it that extra sparkle. Very happy with these nails.
Here is a closer look. I love the strong contrast of the dark navy blue.
By Cho
Spring Time Marble Nails
Reviewed by chichicho
April 18, 2016

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