• Mar 17, 2025

Etude House Princess Etoinette Collection

Here is my recent make haul from Etude House. I was very successful in keeping myself from buying extensive makeup products for a very very long time, but when Chi sent me the link of the pretty packaging for the limited edition Princess Etoinette Collection I couldn't resist.

For those of you who might not know, Etude House is a Korea brand and recently opened it's first shop in Hong Kong, right in my working area too!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say it is really hard to resist going there and having some fun. I was very worried that the products I wanted would sell out because that place is constantly packed!!!! Like lining up to get in to look at things packed. Around a month ago when Chi and I walked past at 12:30am, there were still people lining up just to get into the shop!!!!! To me it seemed a little crazy, but hopefully that will change since I noticed that they are going to be opening another shop a couple streets away, even closer to my office hehehe :p

Anyhow isn't the picture of all the products marvelous? Luckily I didn't need to buy all of it, since many of the products were free. I only bought the  nail polishes the blushes and loose powders and the eyeliner brush.  The Best Kit and My Mini Travel Kit along with a box of cotton and the travel pillow and tote bag was free :) To get all this in total I spent $845 HKD, to be honest it was a little over my budget but I really couldn't resist. 

I tried to keep the damage to the minimal by only visiting the collection's display counter, and the nail polish area, I can't imagine what my bill might have come do if I looked at all their skincare and makeup too, and honestly I know I don't need to buy anything since I know I already have all the makeup and skincare I need at home > < Now lets just enjoy all the pretty pictures, cheers.

by Cho 

Etude House Princess Etoinette Collection Etude House Princess Etoinette Collection Reviewed by chichicho on January 28, 2013 Rating: 5


  1. Love Etude House and especially their nail polish :)

    Thank you for following my blog :)

  2. I love Etude! Everything looks so lovely.. ^-^ I haven't tried their nail polishes yet but I definitely have to one day

    1. I have only tried a few of their products as well but I do really love their lemon sheet masks :)

  3. I really want the etoinette blush in the pink and the crystal powder, but i think i would be too scared to use them, they are too pretty!


    1. turned out i didn't like the crystal powder. it' has this shimmery effect. Making my already oily skin look even oilier. Somehow it makes my skin look dull and dark. I don't like it. Not for me.


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