• Mar 17, 2025

Sephora Powdery eyeshadows and Sparkling Topcoats Pallete

I was shopping in at Sephora the other day and I couldn't help myself but to start playing with all the fun pallets that they had out. I can spend hours at Sephora since there is just too much to play with! 

When I first laid eyes on this pallet I was thinking "this isn't possible, those sparkling pots must be lip gloss because there is no way a pressed shadow pallet can give up such a magnificent sparkle!" But of course I was wrong and I just couldn't peel myself away from getting this lovely thing! Here is the swatches and closeups. It is hard to tell in the picture, but the "sparkling topcoats" all have a unique sparkle tone, but with my poor camera quality they more or less all look silver-ish, but it all respectively shimmer in lilac, pink, orange, and silver. 

by Cho

Sephora Powdery eyeshadows and Sparkling Topcoats Pallete Sephora Powdery eyeshadows and Sparkling Topcoats Pallete Reviewed by chichicho on April 04, 2013 Rating: 5

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