Fun Happy Nail Wrap

These are such fun and cute nail wrap.

I really like the color and design. 

After a few more tries with nail wraps, I got the hang of these. 

1. Clean your nails and get rid of any oil or hand lotion on your nails. 

2. Take a nail wrap that best suit the size of your nail. If it's a bit too big, just trim it down yourself. The nail wrap should be slightly smaller than your nail. 

3. DON'T over stretch the nail wrap. Only minimal stretching is needed. There maybe little wrinkles on the edge of your nail. 

4. Apply a thin coat of top coat lightly. Don't drag again the nail wrap. 

5. The nail wrap will melt and mold to the shape of your nails. So, the wrinkles will not be visible. 

These nail wraps usually last around a week. 

Anyone else has more tips on using these nail wraps?

You can get these nail wraps here:


Fun Happy Nail Wrap Fun Happy Nail Wrap Reviewed by chichicho on July 30, 2013 Rating: 5


  1. were can i buy these nail wraps?

    1. You can buy them here:


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