• Mar 14, 2025

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal

A simile nail art.  A pretty quick one.
Use two new polishes Cho got in Korea.
They are from Onl Today.  I think that’s the brand name.  I am so confused about their brand name.  I don’t know whether it’s Onl or DD.  It has a big DD on the bottle.  But it’s Onl on the fine prints.  Maybe DD is the name of the line of their polishes?

I used color #2 for the pink and #9 for the mint green.

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal

Please excuse the tiny image.  I couldn't find a good picture of them online.  I just copied this from their website http://www.onltoday.com/

I seem to have so many different pinks and greens.  However, this is my favorite pink.  I like how pale it is.  As for the green, I don’t really like it.  I don’t like how green it is.  I think it if it’s paler.

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal

Overall, they have pretty good consistency.  This is after 2 coats.  Please excuse my crooked edges near the cuticle.  I was running out of patience while doing my nails…………..I was too lazy to do a clean up afterward.

I used these water decals on my nails.  I honestly cut out a lot of the little images out to stick on my nails.  However, there are still a whole bunch of the water decal left.  I can never finish a sheet of water decal.  There are little perfume bottles, lipsticks, mirrors, stop watches, diamond rings and words such as cute and beautiful on this sheet of decal.  Very girly.  These decals are very thin but opaque.  So, it’ll blend in with your design, making it look almost like you painted them on.

I have similar water decals but in different colors on my etsy shop.  You can find the link here:

Here are some more images.

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal

Lady Nail Art with Water Decal Lady Nail Art with Water Decal Reviewed by chichicho on March 12, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. Awww...this mani is so cute! I super love the color combos and design. I super like the pink ones so cute and girly. Great choice indeed!

    1. thanks thanks. love reading comments of support.


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