• Mar 18, 2025

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

I am totally loving this nail art. It's super cute. The decal looks hands drawn. They blend it very well. Who would have known I did it in 15 minutes?  Haha.

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

You can get the decal here:

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

So first I cut out the images I want. Peel off the clear plastic film on top.  

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

Here I painted my nails with 3 coats of Kim-pletely in Love of Nicole by OPI. Wait for your nails to completely dry. 

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

Soak the decal in a bowl of water for a few seconds. 

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

The decal will slide off easy. Just place it on the nail you want, use tissue to dab away the excess water and seal your design with a top coat. Remember not to drag and pull on your nail when you apply top coat as the water decal will melt and blend in. Pull on your nail will snag your image. 

Here are more pics~

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art

Loving You Water Decal Nail Art Loving You Water Decal Nail Art Reviewed by chichicho on March 21, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. Fun looking manicure and a beautiful base polish!
    Have an awesome weekend!

    1. love how you always leave me a comment. thanks!


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