• Mar 15, 2025

Nursery Cartoon Water Decal

Nursery Water Decal

Got some new decals!  I am absolutely loving these.  Great quality.  One of the best I have used.  The color is very opaque.  So, they will show nicely with different color base coat.  The images remind me of pictures I would see in nursery books.  Little ducks, horses, bears, rabbits, rainbows etc.

You can get these water decal at: 

So, what I did was first paint my nails in different cream colors.

Nursery Water Decal

Then I cut out the images that I like.

Nursery Water Decal

Soak the images in a bowl of water for a few seconds.

Nursery Water Decal

The image will slide off the paper.  Then you just place it on your nails and seal it off with a top coat of your choice!

Nursery Water Decal

Isn't this easy?  Imagine how many hours it will take you to achieve this look if you were to do it free handedly.  I am loving them.  So glad I got these water decals~

Nursery Water Decal

Nursery Water Decal


Nursery Cartoon Water Decal Nursery Cartoon Water Decal Reviewed by chichicho on March 17, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. OMG!!! They are so cute! This mani is so very pretty. Love the color combos and the designs. Great choice for the theme.

  2. The water decals are soooo cute! They look hand drawn! And the base colors you used compliments them so well :-)

    1. i love how they look hand drawn as well.....blend in quite well

  3. Omg these are adorable!!

    xo Maddy | blog: spilledpolish | indie polish: beyond the nail

  4. Kyaaah these decals are absolutely adorable!!

  5. I love your nails can you post how you shape your nails or a nail care :)


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