• Mar 15, 2025

Royal Gold Dots decals

I can't even remember how many years I have had these decals for. I have used these goodies over and over again, but for some reason they just don't run out, not that I am complaining. 

I think these decals look great no matter what base coat you use, but one thing I don't like about these is that no matter how hard I try, there is still always these air bubbles that get caught underneath the decals making them look very messy. Maybe that is why I never used it up haha.

But then again Chi and I hardly ever use any of our decals up, since we normally only like to do a design once.

Over the years we have now accumulated so many half used decals we don't know what to do with them. Any suggestions? 
Royal Gold Dots decals Royal Gold Dots decals Reviewed by chichicho on May 30, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. These decals really look royal, a big like for them!

    1. I always feel you can never go wrong with these types of decals, so easy to work with

  2. Love it! Love the color combos and the design. Its def Royal!


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