Neon Geometirc Shape Vector Silhouette Diamond Mustache Decal Nails
I have been wanting to get similar geometric shaped decals for a very long time now, but Chi keeps forbidding me to do so. Her reasoning behind this is that I should be able to draw geometic shapes free hand by myself so it is a waste of $......... but honestly....... It is impossible to draw such fine straight lines on so many fingers!! Especially when I have to do my right hand, then it becomes a nightmare. So after much convincing (I think it has been something like a year now) she finally let me get these beauties.
This is the base color I started with. The "orange" nail is actually suppose to be more like a deep pastel pink, but I am not sure why it keeps showing as an orange, and I don't know how to fix my camera setting........
Here is what I used to create this manicure. The pastel yellow Holika nail poslish is no longer the original Holika pastel yellow color because I have used it down to its last bit, but because I love their brush so much I just poured some of my other existing pastel polishes into it. Chi hates it when I do this, since she feels it ruins the consistency, which is sometimes true, but I am sure many of you understand that when your polish is down to the last centimetre, it is close to impossible to get it out, and even if you get it out it becomes all goopy because the time you have swirled the bottle around in hopes to coat the brush with enough polish to cover the nail..... it would have semi dried up and it is impossible to get a smooth coat.
These lovely Neon Colored Decals can be bought here:
By Cho
Neon Geometirc Shape Vector Silhouette Diamond Mustache Decal Nails
Reviewed by chichicho
June 20, 2014

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