• Mar 18, 2025

Mint and Roses Nail Wrap B1026

You can never go wrong with floral print.  Here is another floral print nail wrap that I got.  I love the mint green background with the roses pattern.  Very classic and elegant.  Love the color combination.  There best thing is that I don't have to spend hours paint on the roses.  I am using nail wrap in style B1026.

As usual, a pack of these comes with 14 strips in 7 sizes.  As some of my nails are French nails using the extras from each strip, I ended up only using 6 strips in total.  A pack can last me 2 manicures.

You can get these here:


Mint and Roses Nail Wrap B1026 Mint and Roses Nail Wrap B1026 Reviewed by chichicho on August 28, 2015 Rating: 5


  1. Mint is one of my favorite shades and these flowers go perfectly together with it. Great patches! Have a nice day and weekend!


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