• Mar 19, 2025

Christmas Nail Art Nail Wraps D1027

I can't believe Christmas is almost here. And same with every year in the past, this year has gone by even faster than the one before. 

First the first time in a while, I didn't plan a trip during the Christmas/New Year time. That's kind of sad. I want to get out of Hong Kong for the holiday~ 

Anyways, to celebrate the season, I am using a Christmas theme nail wrap in style D1027. There are little ornaments, presents, snowflakes and random X'mas related items only it. 

Each pack comes with 14 strips of 7 sizes. There has to be one that fits. If not, just trim the sides. 

You can get these here:

As usual, I like to cut some of them in halves for French nail style. This way, I can use the pack of nail wrap twice and it also looks more interesting with some variation. 

Christmas Nail Art Nail Wraps D1027 Christmas Nail Art Nail Wraps D1027 Reviewed by chichicho on December 18, 2015 Rating: 5

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