• Mar 17, 2025

Tung Ping Chau - Hong Kong

New Year Trip to Tung Ping Chau, an island that is about an hour ride on the ferry from Ma Liu Shui Pier.  A island made up of sedimentary rock.  A walk around the island took me about 2 to 3 hours in the summer...but a person with zero workout.  Not recommended to walk the trail in the summer.  The heat is too high to endure.  I find that Winter and Autumn time is better to visit this island.  Hence, we went on new year day.

Ferry to the island only operates on weekends.  It is such an isolated island that only 2 ferries goes in and out each day and you practically can't stay overnight as there is nothing there, unless you camp.  The villagers who used to lived there all moved to the city.  It is so far from the urban area that I couldn't even get Hong Kong mobile phone reception.  It is too close to China.

About 30 minutes before the ferry takes off, you can already see people forming a line to get the tickets.  Finally, the ferry arrived and we got out ticket, which is just a sticker.

After a windy 1 hour ride, we have finally arrived.  The water is quite clear compared to beaches in Hong Kong.  I know it's still nothing compared to Maldive, but for Hong Kong, it's really good that I can see the bottom of the sand near the shore.

A great place to get some fresh air.  At the pier, we are greeted by the Tung Ping Chau sign.

There are still some houses left behind from a few decades ago when people used to live here.  Obviously, no one actually lives in anymore and the houses are deteriorating by the day.  Trees and vines have grown into the cement houses.  Looks very cool.  Looks like something you would find in a horror movie.

I wonder how long it took for the tree to become part of the house.

The island is known for its sedimentary rock that is lined along the beach. So, that's the first thing we did.  A romantic walk along the beach......if it's with your significant other.  If not, it's still a refreshing walk with friends and family.

The scenery is amazing.   I am just taking the pictures with my iPhone 7.  My phone camera won't do the scene any justice.  It's a lot more amazing when viewed in person.

There are several little local shops that only opens on the weekend when tourists flood in and they provide some local Chinese food.

We know some of the native villagers of the island, so we had our lunch all planned by them.  We have about a dozen different dishes.  Pretty amazed that they are able to prepare so many dishes in such a remote area with limited resources.  Basically, everything they made need to be brought in on the same ferry we came in the morning.

There are also areas where people that camp at.  So, I guess people can go in on Saturday and leave on Sunday?

The Ma Liu Shui pier to Tung Ping Chau is at point e and Tung Ping Chau is at point f in the list Places Part 2 on the map below:

Tung Ping Chau - Hong Kong Tung Ping Chau - Hong Kong Reviewed by chichicho on February 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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