Snowy Village Water Decal Nail Art

Did this a while back when it was freezing in the winter.  For a place that is so humid and hot in the summer, I don't know why Hong Kong can feel more chilling than in Vancouver at times.

Anyways, to match the freezing temperature, I took out a water decal with a snowy theme as well.  It is so hard to paint your nails when you are shivering from the cold.  So, water decal will do the trick.  Minimal painting needed.

The final result is not bad, except some of the decals are too small for my nails.  Why can't they make the stickers bigger?  If people's nails are small, they can just trim the decal.  But for big nails like mine, I can't do anything to make the decal fit.

Snowy Village Water Decal Nail Art Snowy Village Water Decal Nail Art Reviewed by chichicho on March 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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