• Mar 15, 2025

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Did a manicure with crosshatch pattern.  The best thing about this simple design is that I didn't have to spend much time drawing the hundreds of little crosses on my nails.  I used a water decal for it.  Forgive me for cheating.

This particular decal is semi transparent.  So, it is better to use on a white or light base color.

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

You can get this decal here:

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Colors I used:
Butter London - Lady Muck (grey)
Sephora Formula X - Out Of Sight (gold glitter)
Lioele #30 (white)

I painted 2 even coats of them and waited for them to completely dry.

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Cut out a piece of the design you want and remove the top clear film.

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Soak it in water for a few seconds until the design can easily slide off.

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art
As you can see the design is semi transparent.  So remember to use a light base color.
Place the water decal on your nails, dab away the excess water with a tissue and apply your favorite top coat to seal in the design.

*NOTE* Don't flip the water decal backward.  Somehow the top coat will react with the backside of the design and melt it away.  You can see part of the design falling apart in my final pictures.

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

So, this is it~

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art

Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art Crosshatch Pattern Water Decal Nail Art Reviewed by chichicho on June 04, 2014 Rating: 5


  1. Wow, what an amazing design. I absolutely love water decals, they are super easy to use and you can achieve with them a unique manicure, exactly like yours!

    1. I completely agree.
      Lets lazy people like me to still have cool designs



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