No money no honey water decal nail art

The images on this sheet reminds me of a video I saw online where this fat clumsy unattractive guy throws a whole bunch of money to create the perfect proposal for his girls that has a really good body and quite a pretty face. The proposal is almost perfect, if it wasn't a copy version of a Korean MV. The girl of course accepted the guy and they kissed and everyone cheered. So, now people on the internet are wondering if she is marrying for money or for love? I mean, love comes in all sizes and shape, but sometimes you would just wonder if it's really love.
These decal are pretty sturdy and easy to use. Good to spice up your manicure in a simple way.
You can get these here:
First cut out the images you want to use and remove the clear film.
Paint our nails with the colors your want.
Soak the image in a bowl of room temperature water for about 5-10 seconds.
The image will easily slide off the paper. Then place it on your nails.
Add some glitter if you like.
This is the Taiwanese version that followed the Korean MV's proposal.
This is the My Love MV where the singer Lee Seung Chul created it with a real couple's proposal.
Which one do you think is better?
No money no honey water decal nail art
Reviewed by chichicho
July 18, 2014

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