• Mar 17, 2025

Pink Polka Dot Manicure

I have always loved french nails. It is so elegant and simple, but at the same time it is a pain to complete because it is almost impossible to make a clean even line for all 10 nails. This is where these decals come in and it is in my favorite pink color and the heart shaped french nails. 

These decals are simple and quick too with almost no dry time, just the way I like it. Another great thing about these is that these decals are very long, so if you have short nails like me you can cut the wraps in half and cut a curve to make french nails like the nails I have above. This way each pack will have enough wraps for 2 full manicures :)

If you are interested in these nail wraps and want to check them out you can visit our Etsy shop at the below link:

By Cho

Pink Polka Dot Manicure Pink Polka Dot Manicure Reviewed by chichicho on November 03, 2014 Rating: 5


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