• Mar 17, 2025

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

This is my first time using a gel polish and I think it will be hard for me to turn back.  The pink polish I used here is a gel polish from Etude House.  Cho told me that she loves Etude House gel polish as it will smooth out itself after application and before you cure it under the light.  Anyways, it dries and harden so fast!  No more smearing and bumping my wet nails!  Also, as I plan to do lots of water decal nails, I can just wipe off the decal with nail polish remover and just stick another decal on without having to paint my nails.  That is, I am using a regular nail polish top coat.  It all looks good, you can't really tell which is gel polish, which is regular polish.

The water decal I used is HOT187.  It's a Alice in Wonderland theme.

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

You can get this here: 

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

Polishes I used from left to right:
Sally Hansen Triple Strong Strengthener
Étude House Enamel Ting Gel Nails #14
Essence Sun Kissed 03 My Sunny Side
Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

First I painted 2 layers of the base color!  The pink gel nail dried sooooooooo fast!  I love gel nails!

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

Then I just add on the water decal and seal it in with regular clear top coat. 

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art

Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art Alice in Wonderland Water Decal Nail Art Reviewed by chichicho on February 27, 2015 Rating: 5


  1. great! I've never tried gel nail polish (yet) but it it something I've been thinking of doing :)

    1. you should really try it. you might get addicted tho


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