• Mar 17, 2025

Doilies Pattern Water Decal Nail Art with HOT164

Doilies Pattern Water Decal Nail Art with HOT164

Out of the hundreds of water decals I own, there are these rainbow color patterns that reminds me of doilies.  Well, usually doilies are white, these are rainbow.  These are the style in HOT-164.

Doilies Pattern Water Decal Nail Art with HOT164

I love any HOT style's water decal.  They have the best quality!  Not too thick or too thin.  The opacity of the images are just right.

You can get these here:

Here are the polishes I used from left to right:
Sally Hansen Triple Strong Strengthener
Only 40729 Lollipop
Étude House Enamel Ting Gel Nails #14
Seche Vite Fast Dry Top Coat

So first I did 2 coats of the base colors.  Note that the pink is a gel polish so I needed to use a UV light to cure it.

After the polishes are dried, just applied the decal on your nails!  It's so simple!

Doilies Pattern Water Decal Nail Art with HOT164

Doilies Pattern Water Decal Nail Art with HOT164 Doilies Pattern Water Decal Nail Art with HOT164 Reviewed by chichicho on February 28, 2015 Rating: 5

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