Expect the Unexpected Light Exhibition - Shenzhen
Out of the blue, I wanted to explore Shenzhen. We saw a light exhibition Expect the Unexpected that's in Oct Loft. With no preparation on how to get there, we took the bus to the Shenzhen Bay custom. From there, we had no idea how to reach the north side of the Oct Loft. Took us sa few minute to find a bus that goes to the nearby subway station....luckiy we found $1 coins to pay for our bus ride. The only $1 on us....
After much walking, we finally arrived at Yanhan Garden which is near Qiaocheng North station. The north side of Oct Loft seem so dead. The ground is muddy, lots of construction sites. Even this building seem to be under renovation.
Turns out this artsy fartsy building has other exhibition going on as well. One about fish...comparing fish with mainlanders. The staff was explaining to us mainlanders are like these over populated fish that is invading other countries and people are trying to get rid of them.
Lots of fish!!!
This fish room is for free.
The exhibition to Expect the Unexpected was not though. RMB128. Very expensive compared to their living standard. It's not much cheaper than the Team Lab show....However, the size and quality of this exhibition....but it was still nice we went. It ended on March 10, 2019 though.
Yanhan Garden is at point See 5 on the map below:
Expect the Unexpected Light Exhibition - Shenzhen
Reviewed by chichicho
March 13, 2019

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