Seoul in Dec 2022 - Day 3 - Korean BBQ and Raw Beef/Shrimp in Hongdae and Seongsu Cafe


Although the building is quite creepy, the view to wake up to isn't all too bad.  Love how there are a couple of Daiso within Hongdae.  A place to kill some time and get our everyday needs from laundry detergent and plain useless things that just look nice.  Quite like this underground Daiso (Buy 51) near exit 3 of Hongik University Station.

Sullai Korean BBQ (Eat 124).  Right in the heart of Hongdae.  Even though it's pretty early, before noon, the place was almost filled.  Not too pricey for a place to sit comfortably and good meat.  Love the service, nice to start the day.

Wanted to see if Seongsu is busy on a weekday and answer is, it's quiet.  Shops are closed, no vendors on streets.  Not many people at all on the street.  For the cafes that were opened, not many people at all.  Not sure if I was wandering in the right place, but just very quiet.

Stopped by Perment Bake Shop (Eat 125) for a cinnamon crumble and coffee to warm up.  Was a little hesitant at first seeing not many people in the place, but turns out their cinnamon crumble is just yum.  Actually haven't come across many restaurants/cafe in Seoul that isn't good.  

Another place we wanted to check out after the pandemic is Sinsa Dong.  Many shops were closed when we went in Dec 2022.  Not much to see at the time.  Ended up wandering into Art Box (Buy 56) to buy some more cute and useless items that we just couldn't help.

There is a street with lots of restaurants in the area.  Was cold and sick after walking out door for hours.  Couldn't walk no more.  I thought I was going to faint right there and just drop in to 장흥집 신사점 (Eat 126). It's a place that only serve pork bbq.  Not expensive high quality meat, but it still tasted good with all the sides and sauce.  If it tasted good when I was half dead, I am pretty it would taste better when I was feel well.  No one in the shop speaks English, had quite a hard time communicating with the waiters what we wanted.  Lots of googling of images and translation app usage.

The day just wouldn't end without having more food.  Sick and tired and still managed to find a place in Hongdae that opens until 2am serving salmon/shrimp/beef sashimi.  Looked sketchy on the outside but was surprised when the food came.  육회왕자 연어공주 (Eat 127).  Really like their beef and shrimp.  The salmon doesn't taste much like anything though. 

Points on map:
Buy 51 - Daiso
Eat 124 - Sullai Korean BBQ
Eat 125 - Perment Bake Shop
Buy 56 - Art Box 
Eat 126 - 장흥집 신사점 (Korean pork BBQ)
Eat 127 - 육회왕자 연어공주 (Korean beef/shrimp/salmon sashimi)

Seoul in Dec 2022 - Day 3 - Korean BBQ and Raw Beef/Shrimp in Hongdae and Seongsu Cafe Seoul in Dec 2022 - Day 3 - Korean BBQ and Raw Beef/Shrimp in Hongdae and Seongsu Cafe Reviewed by chichicho on March 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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