Day 2 - Demonstration at Azrieli Center - Tel Aviv, Israel

We were on a train from Jerusalem Yitzhak Navon to Tel Aviv Hashalom.  When the train made a stop at Hahagana Station, which is just 1 station from Hashalom, there was an announcement going on and on in Hebrew.  We didn't really notice anything until I realize it stopped for around 5 minutes, which seemed unusual.  I looked at the screen on the train and it seems to be heading back to Jerusalem.  We quickly hopped off.  The moment we hopped us, the train door closed and started heading back to Jerusalem direction.  We were so lucky to notice in time and got off the train.

We were quite helpless, not knowing what happened.  We saw many upset people crowding around station staff asking questions.  Also, many people were looking lost staring at the train departure board, only to see that most trains heading to the north is cancelled.  

Turns out there was a demonstration at Azrieli Center (Shop 4), which is at Hashalom Station, blocking the road and the train service at Hashalom Station stopped.  We were told to walk for Hahagana Station to Hashalom Station, which is about 2.5km away.  There is no bus and no taxi, since all roads surounding that area is closed. Quite nervous at first, but people kept reassuring us it's safe to walk to protest and it was a peaceful demonstration.   

We had already walked for 6 hours earlier that day and it was under extreme heat, the 2.5km walk was not easy to endure.  Nervous to walk through a foreign city at night for the first time.  Turns out it's really safe.

Sure enough, it was a safe protest/deomonstration.  People fighting for their rights, which is quite beautiful.  Unlike Hong Kong, it's illegal to protest or fight for any rights now.  

People were singing and dancing and just chilling there.  It's like a big party outside Azrieli Center.  It's safe, but if I get to choose again, I won't book a stay in Azrieli Center.  Too inconvenient as there are at least 2 to 3 demonstration around the area each week!

Points on map:
Shop 4 - Azrieli Mall
Derech Menachem Begin 132, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Day 2 - Demonstration at Azrieli Center - Tel Aviv, Israel Day 2 - Demonstration at Azrieli Center - Tel Aviv, Israel Reviewed by chichicho on September 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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