Day 2 - Train to Jerusalem, Israel

Some people book online for tours to Jerusalem and to some other nearby cities.  While booking tour group is good for convenience and peace of mind, if there is only 1 destination, I usually like to find my own way. Going to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv is super easy.  There is a train that connects the 2 cities and commute is about 55 minutes.  The trains runs every 30 minutes or so.

For us, we were staying at Crowne Plaza City Center Hotel, which is connected to Hashalom Station (Others 2).  To save time and money on train and light rail to and from Jerusalem, it is best to get a day pass on your Rav Kav. Rav Kav is the tranportation card that people use to beep in and out of trains and buses.  To make sure we can hop on and off trains and buses for the entire day, we got ourselves a day pass.   The card itself is a non-refundable 5 NIS.  After getting the Rav Kav, we loaded up a one day contract for train and buses up to 40 km, which can take us to Jerusalem Yitzhak Navon Station (Others 4).  It is important to get a day pass because the Jerusalem city can be explored around with light rail, which the day pass will cover.

So, just load up your card, ask people which platform you need to go to and wait for the train to come!

Seriously, this country isn't very tourist friendly.  Many of the signs aren't in English. Only in Hebrew and Arabic, but it's OK.  People are friendly.  Just ask any random person when in doubt.  100% of the time, people will stop and help.  But still have good judgement on whether the person is creepy or not.

Luckily, this time we caught the glimpse of English notification and we can see we need to hop onto train 729 heading to JLM Navon!

Here it is!

Seats are not reserved, so sit anywhere you want.

After about 50 minutes, we arrived!  The station is burried deep underground! It's huge too.  If there a  bomb drops, this feels like it would be a safe place.

Escalators after escalators.  From the ground to the platform, it takes around 10 to 15 minutes of walking.  So, prepare a lot of time if you need to catch a train.

Finally to the ground level.

The light rail Central Station (Others 5) is just outside of  Yitzhak Navon Station.  With the day pass Rav Kav, we could just hop on and off the light rail, cutting down the 30+ minutes walking time to 5 min train ride.

Points on map:
Others 2 - Hashalom Station
Giv'at HaTahmoshet St 10, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
Others 4 - Yizhak Navon Station
Others 5 - Central Station

Day 2 - Train to Jerusalem, Israel Day 2 - Train to Jerusalem, Israel Reviewed by chichicho on September 05, 2023 Rating: 5

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