Day 4 - Spring 2023 Seoul - Seoul Forest and Teddy’s Oven

We walked from Seongsu to Seoul Forest station area.  There are so many  cafes in between.  Perhaps it was warmer when I visited in spring compared to the winter time when I last visited, so there are more shops open and more people on the street even though it was a weekday.

There are quite a few accessories shop.  Can't help but walk into each one to see if there are any cute  things.

This pink shop is super cute.

Finally,  we arrived at Teddy's Oven (Eat 143).  The outside looks nice.  It was packed when we got there.  Luckily, we only needed to wait a few minutes until there was a table available.  It is a two storey cafe.

They got some cakes in the display fridge and other baked goods on a table.  All look super sweet.  Couldn't see anything savory at all.

The place look cute.

Ended up getting an ice americano, cookie and a carrot cake, which was around 20,000 won.

Comes with a cute fortune card.  Their coffee is the type I don't like.  Very sour.

The carrot cake is moist and cinnamony.

Very filling.

Their cookie was too dry and hard and way too sweet.  Not something we like.

The place is cute for photos but in terms of their food, it wasn't what we would prefer.  Personally, I think it's a 2/5.  Don't think we will come back.

Point on map:
Eat 143 - Teddy's Oven
43 Seoulsup 2-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea
서울특별시 성동구 서울숲2길 43

Day 4 - Spring 2023 Seoul - Seoul Forest and Teddy’s Oven Day 4 - Spring 2023 Seoul - Seoul Forest and Teddy’s Oven Reviewed by chichicho on May 20, 2023 Rating: 5

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