Day 2 - 早安樂樂燒 Taiwan breakfast

Can't go to Taiwan without trying out their style of breakfast.  Just a minute walk from RF Hotel is 早安樂樂燒 Taiwan breakfast (Eat 42).  It was a Sunday at around 10am.  It was the only restaurant we saw open at the time.  I thought Sunday would be the day when most breakfast restaurant would open.  Turns out Taiwanese are really work life balance.  They rest when office rests......several of the restaurants were had a rest day on Sunday.  

We order a basil fried egg and a pork floss and cheese egg wrap (蛋餅).  All taste normal/good.  A filling breakfast around NT$50.  Good deal.

No. 56號, Lane 187, Section 1, Dunhua S Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106

Point on map:
Eat 42 - 早安樂樂燒 Taiwan breakfast

Day 2 - 早安樂樂燒 Taiwan breakfast Day 2 - 早安樂樂燒 Taiwan breakfast Reviewed by chichicho on March 31, 2023 Rating: 5

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