Day. 2 - Gongguan Treasure Hill Artist Village 寶藏巖

10 minutes walk from the Gongguan metro station is the Gongguan Treasure Hill Artist Village and Treasure Hill Temple 寶藏巖 (Buy 17).   

We took the woody park path to the temple, but we couldn't have just walk on on normal side walk.   Don't know what came over us to up and down this path.

The place is a lot smaller than we imagined.  Looks like a those traditional villages we would find in New Territories in Hong Kong.  So,  it wasn't very interesting to us.   It's just less crowded and a tiny bit more artsy compared to Hong Kong.

They have a free guided tour on the weekend.  It is in Mandarin though.

There was a family taking their pet chickens out for a walk.   Super cute. 

There is a store that owns the farm that releases their ducks out for a walk.

The rest is just traditional houses with a brief summary  of the resident inside, which was quite interesting and weird at the same time.  I wouldn't feel comfortable having a brief summary outside my door as if I am an animal on display in a zoo.

Point on map:
Buy 17 - Gongguan Treasure Hill Artist Village 寶藏巖
No. 2, Alley 14, Lane 230, Section 3, Tingzhou Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100

Day. 2 - Gongguan Treasure Hill Artist Village 寶藏巖 Day. 2 - Gongguan Treasure Hill Artist Village 寶藏巖 Reviewed by chichicho on April 04, 2023 Rating: 5

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